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What can a dog drink? (Complete guide)

Dogs can go through their entire life drinking only water and would be very healthy and dog owners don’t have to worry about the dog getting bored with water. They are many drinks that are healthy for dogs to drink like tap water but ensure that your dog doesn’t drink toilet water or other sources of water that is full of bacteria.

In this article, we will be covering the best and the worst drink to give your dog and great tips to help you discover when your dog is dehydrated. We have provided a “table of content” below to help you navigate the complete guide of what a dog can drink.

Can dog drink Almond milk?

A dog can drink almond milk but drinking almond milk is not for all dogs, and depending on what is in the almond milk, it can be hazardous for your dog.

Most animals are only designed to drink milk from mammals when they are little. As they mature, they no longer possess the lactase enzyme required in large enough quantities to break down the lactose the milk contains. Written by: Dr. Merliza Cabriles, DVM.

What type of Almond milk can dogs drink instead?

Technically, yes, they can. However, it is not recommended for dogs of all ages; puppies should not have almond milk either. And almond milk with chocolate, raisins, and additional extras, such as sweeteners, can even be dangerous for dogs.

Why almond milk and dogs do not work?

The reason why almond milk and dogs do not work together is because Almonds in their pure form can cause digestive upsets in dogs as once again, they are simply not designed to digest them. If ingested in large enough quantities, dogs can suffer from vomiting or diarrhea. The digestive system of dogs is designed to efficiently digest diets high in protein with limited amounts of carbohydrates.

Almond milk is feeding your dog almonds in a much more diluted form; the milk itself rarely contains more than a handful of almonds per eight ounces bottle. If your dog consumes a little bit of almond milk from time to time and they are not allergic, they are unlikely to have any problems.

Another important thing to take note of is that your dog will not receive any beneficial nutrients from the almond milk. It is, therefore, an expensive addition to their diet that apart from being a bit different, is not going to help your dog in any way. If your dog receives a large amount of almond milk in its diet, it may end up nutritionally lacking in other aspects due to an imbalance.

Can my dog drink saltwater?

Anyone who has ever swallowed a mouthful of saltwater when swimming in the ocean knows how unpleasant it tastes. When a dog drinks salt water, it can be dangerous for them, and it can even be deadly. When a dog ingests saltwater, the excess salt draws water from the blood into the intestines, leading to diarrhea, vomiting, and dehydration. Saltwater also disrupts the fluid balance in your dog. Dogs with toxic levels of sodium in their systems have a mortality rate higher than 50 percent, regardless of treatment.

When too much salt builds up in a dog’s body, her cells release their water content to try and balance out the sodium disparity. This, in turn, causes a litany of serious health effects. It can cause seizures, a loss of brain cells, injury to the kidneys, and severe dehydration. If a dog with saltwater poisoning isn’t treated medically, the condition can easily lead to death.

Why does my doggy drink a lot of water?

Drinking more water is medically referred to as polydipsia, and it is one of the most common problems seen in veterinary medicine, according to Appleman. Polydipsia has a wide range of underlying causes, “Certainly dogs can become polydipsic during warm weather, particularly right at the start of the change of seasons and before they have time to adjust to the hotter temperature,” says Appleman.

Dogs will also drink more if their bodies are losing water through watery diarrhea, excessive panting, or blood loss. “This represents the body’s attempt to rehydrate and restore normal blood volume,” she says. By Caitlin Ultimo

If your dog is drinking more than usual—some dogs even drink so much and so quickly, that they will regurgitate it right back up—it could be a sign of a medical issue. “It can be a long diagnostic process to figure out why a dog is drinking and urinating larger volumes, and sometimes it is difficult to ultimately find an answer,” says Appleman. Polydipsia, along with the increased volume of urination (polyuria), can be caused by the following, amongst other things:

  • Kidney insufficiency
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Diabetes insipidus
  • Adrenal hormone disease (such as excess cortisol production, called Cushing’s disease; or cortisol deficiency, called Addison’s disease)
  • Liver disease
  • Infection
  • Abnormal electrolytes (high calcium, low potassium)
  • Treatment with certain drugs (corticosteroids, diuretics, etc.)
  • Psychogenic polydipsia

How much water should a dog drink?

Some dog owners are surprised to learn their pets may be drinking too little or too much water daily. It’s important to monitor your dog’s water consumption to ensure he’s getting

Soy milk is entirely free of lactose which makes it okay for dogs to consume. So, yes, dogs can have soy milk occasionally. According to the ASPCA, soy and soybean-based substitute enough, but not too much. It’s also important because a change in a dog’s normal water intake can signal an underlying health problem.

How much water your dog needs each day depends on several factors, including her size, diet, age, activity level, and the time of year. As a general rule, healthy dogs need from Y2 to 1 ounce of water per pound of body weight each day.

To determine if your dog may be dehydrated or needs more water, lift some skin at the back of his neck and release it. If your dog is well hydrated, the skin will snap right back into place. Another test is to check your dog’s gums. Moist, slick gums indicate a good level of hydration; dry or sticky gums mean your pet’s body needs more water.

If your dog isn’t getting enough water each day, there are ways to encourage him to drink more, and most importantly, his diet needs to be high in moisture content.

If your dog tends to over-drink, which is a much less common problem, it’s important to supervise all her activities around water to ensure she doesn’t develop water intoxication.

Can Dogs Drink Milk?

Yes, some dogs can have cow milk and dairy products, however, check with your vet to ensure your dog is not allergic or lactose intolerant before allowing your dog to drink milk or eat any products. Milk is rich in vitamin D and calcium, which can help keep their teeth and bones nice and strong. But can our beloved pooches have milk, too? When it comes to whether dogs can have milk, the quick answer is that it depends. Most of the time, a little bit of milk isn’t going to be harmful or toxic. But there are exceptions, and dogs can face several health issues if they drink milk or eat dairy products in high quantities or over a long period.

Dr. Stephanie Liff, DVM and owner of Pure Paws Veterinary Care of Clinton Hill in Brooklyn, NY said about the subject of dogs and milk, “Most dogs can drink cow’s milk or goat’s milk, however, some dogs may be allergic or lactose intolerant.”

Dr. Heather Brausa at New York City’s Animal Medical Center also stated, “It’s the consequence of that milk drinking that we worry about.”

“Milk contains a sugar called lactose that requires an enzyme called lactase for digestion,” Brause says. “Puppies generally have the enzyme in abundance as it is used to breakdown their mother’s milk while nursing.”

As puppies become weaned, or introduced to more adult foods, they will produce less lactase in their system, and that is when they can become lactose intolerant.

Can dog drink soy milk?

Soy milk is entirely free of lactose which makes it okay for dogs to consume. So, yes dogs can have soy milk occasionally. According to the ASPCA, soy and soybean-based substitutes are not toxic to dogs. Several commercial dog foods use soy-based ingredients. However, keep in mind that soy milk is not a good replacement or substitute for puppy formula.

The problem that dogs face when they are given regular dairy milk is that they are not able to digest it properly because of the lactose. Ideally, a dog should not have any problems with soy milk.

Soy milk contains isoflavones which are a type of protein. Phytoestrogens are also found in soy milk which are the female hormones in plants. So, feeding your dog soy milk and protein in large amounts can have some problems. However, limited quantities of soy are safe.

Some people believe that isoflavones do have several health benefits for your furry friend. With humans, isoflavones lower the cholesterol and reduce the chances of getting estrogen-sensitive cancers.

There is some evidence that suggests soy protein can help in reducing urinary incontinence in dogs. Veterinarians sometimes recommend supplements that contain isoflavones.

Can dog drink coffee?

For those of us who love coffee and have a dog, wanting to share our favorite beverage with Fido is a natural inclination. You should never give Fido a sip of your coffee, though, as caffeine is toxic to dogs. If your four-legged friend does ever accidentally ingest coffee, here is what to watch for and how to respond.

Common Signs of Caffeine Poisoning in Dogs

Caffeine affects the nervous system and heart in dogs, just as it does in people. Dogs have a much lower tolerance for caffeine than people, though, and symptoms of caffeine poisoning can appear when only a little is consumed. Some common signs of caffeine poisoning in dogs include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • An elevated heart rate
  • Remorse

At higher concentrations, caffeine can even lead to difficulty breathing and seizures.

According to Provet, caffeine is lethal to dogs at concentrations of 150 milligrams per kilogram (2.2 pounds) of weight. Since there’s only about 95 mg of caffeine in an 8-ounce cup of coffee, it’s unlikely that your dog will drink enough coffee to cause a life-threatening situation. If Fido gets into coffee beans (especially chocolate-covered beans) or grounds, however, he may ingest a lot of caffeine quickly.

Treating Dogs That Drank Coffee

The signs of caffeine poisoning appear one to two hours after ingesting caffeine. If your pooch accidentally got into some caffeine, there is no need to panic immediately. Just keep a close eye on Fido for any of the above symptoms. As long as he only lapped up a little coffee and doesn’t develop serious symptoms of caffeine poisoning, he should be fine.

If Fido had a lot of coffee or develops signs of serious caffeine poisoning, he may need to be rushed to an emergency veterinarian. There is no direct antidote for caffeine poisoning, but a vet may:

  • Induce vomiting, to prevent more caffeine from entering the blood vessels
  • Prescribe anti-seizure pills
  • Treat with medication to reduce blood pressure

A vet will likely want to keep your dog at their office for several hours, so they can watch for any complications that may develop.

Please, refrain from giving Fido any coffee, no matter how much you might want to share some with him It is not good for him, even in small doses, and can be seriously harmful in larger doses. He might accidentally get into your coffee one day, and you will need to watch him carefully if he does. You should not ever entice him with it, though.

To learn more about Dogs and Coffee, visit the link and see the pros, cons, and alternative coffee beverage for your dog.

Can a dog take Pepto?

Pepto-Bismol (bismuth subsalicylate) is safe to offer most dogs, but AKC’s Chief Veterinary Officer Dr. Jerry Klein says he rarely recommends it because the salicylates in the medication could cause gastric bleeding, and the bismuth in the medication can turn the stool black, which may mask any resulting gastric bleeding.

“If it must be given, offer no more than one or two doses after consulting with your veterinarian,” he says. Your veterinarian may instead recommend the bismuth subsalicylate product formulated for dogs, called Corrective Suspension.

Dogs with bleeding disorders and dogs who are pregnant, or nursing should not take any form of bismuth subsalicylate, nor should dogs taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents such as Rimadyl and Deramaxx. Cats should never be given bismuth subsalicylate, as it is toxic to them.

Pepto-Bismol Dosage For Dogs: The recommended dosage is 1 teaspoon for every 10 pounds, according to Dr. Klein. It can be offered to the dog every 6-to-8 hours, but if your dog still has diarrhea after a few doses, stop the medication and call your veterinarian. Also, if you have never given Pepto-Bismol to your dog before, check with your veterinarian to confirm the dosage.

How to administer Pepto-Bismol to Dogs: Use an empty (no needle) plastic syringe to give your dog the medication. Open his mouth, place the empty syringe toward the back of the tongue and push the plunger, then hold his muzzle for a second to ensure he swallows it.

Can a dog drink coconut water?

Coconut milk and water: Some people swear by topical coconut oil to help with skin issues like itchiness and hot spots. But when it comes to drinking coconut milk or coconut water, the experts are divided. The AKC says both are safe for dogs; just make sure to keep your pet away from the coconut shell, which is rough and can become lodged in his throat.

The ASPCA, however, says the liquids are OK only in small amounts. Give your pet too much coconut flesh or milk and you may end up dealing with loose stools, diarrhea or stomach upset. And they recommend avoiding coconut water because it’s high in potassium, which can cause health issues. You may want to ask your vet to weigh in on this one.

Can a dog drink tea?

Tea: Like coffee, tea can contain caffeine that can be harmful to your pet in anything more than very small doses. It is best to keep your tea away from your pup.

Can my dog drink beer?

Following water, grain and yeast hops constitute a primary ingredient in the production of beer. Like grapes in wine, it is not known precisely why hops are toxic to dogs. Like grapes, though, there is no doubt that consumption of hops causes violent physical reactions in many canines.

We are talking not only about immediate physical symptoms such as vomiting, wild fluctuations in body temperature and labored breathing, but also potential kidney damage. People who enjoy brewing their beer at home should be especially careful to store brewing hops securely away from curious dogs.

Can my dog drink Gatorade?

Maybe. But we don’t recommend it. A few sips of Gatorade are perfectly safe for your dog, but water is the only fluid your dog needs to stay hydrated.

It may help your dog somewhat to have a few sips of Gatorade after a bout of diarrhea, but Pedialyte is probably a better choice. Gatorade also contains added sugar and sodium, which undermine any benefits Gatorade might provide.

Can my dog drink apple juice?

Apples are not harmful to dogs, but the juice is another story. It can cause loose stools and other types of bowel irregularity.

Get a quality dog probiotic for improved digestion instead of apple juice. While there is likely no harm in sharing a bit with your dog, sticking to plain old freshwater is best.

Apple juice is not a good alternative (especially if you provide it regularly).

Using apple juice, as a way to improve your dog’s bowel problems, is generally not effective.

Can dogs drink Apple cider?

It is a well-known fact that apple cider vinegar is something beneficial for all humans to have on hand, whether they are supplementing their diet with it daily or adding it into their recipes. However, what you may not know is that apple cider vinegar is also just perfect to keep with all your pet supplies. When used for pet care, this is a supplement that is just right for controlling pests, improving upon health, and boosting the overall wellbeing of your dog.

One of the best things about apple cider vinegar is that it is all-natural, and it does not cost an arm and a leg. The more that you learn about its properties for your pet health and wellbeing, the more you will be to want to keep it on hand.

This is a product that is loaded with all sorts of essential vitamins and minerals, including iron, potassium, and magnesium. There are lots of humans who will supplement their diets with it to help with digestion and much more.

When you want to give apple cider vinegar to your dog, you will see that there may be an odor to it, but you will not have to worry about it as you will not have to make them try to drink it on its own. There are different delivery methods that you can try that will be easy to introduce to your dog’s daily diet to help prevent skin irritations, tooth decay, certain types of infections, tear stains and more. For example, you can dilute it in their drinking water or their food. A teaspoon put into the water a couple of times per week is a great way to get started as a preventative measure.

Apple cider vinegar is also great for helping to remove fleas from your dog at bath time. Simply bathe your dog just as you would with the regular shampoo you have, then follow with a rinse using apple cider vinegar. Just be sure to work all the apple cider vinegar throughout their coat so that you cover each of the points. Then rinse once again with clean water.

The more that you look into apple cider vinegar, the easier it will be to find ways that you can use it for your dog or any other pets that you have living with you in your home.

Can my dog drink soda?

Unfortunately, soda is terrible for your pup. While a tiny little drop or two of fizzy cola won’t hurt your pup, it’s a bad idea to split a bottle of coke with your four-legged friend.

Why is that, though? What about soda is bad for your pooch? What happens if your pup gets into your soda stash without your permission? Is it dangerous? Whether accidental or intentional, sometimes your pup can have too much soda. We never recommend giving your pup a sugary soda for a few reasons that we will dive into, but likely, a sip or two will not hurt your pooch.

Soda, however, is one of the worst things your doggo could get into. Soda is packed with both sugar and caffeine, two things that can have a giant effect on your dog’s health, mood, and behavior. With soda, you run the risk of ramping up your dog’s blood sugar and giving your pet accidental caffeine poisoning. If your dog drinks soda, they also could have bad GI issues including vomiting, diarrhea, and uncomfortable gas bubbles.

Worse, your dog is likely to gain weight if he or she has access to soda regularly. If your dog gets into your soda stash, we recommend calling your vet asap to get instructions on what to do. It is likely your doggo will experience extreme dehydration, a sugar rush and then a blood sugar crash. They could even be subject to caffeine poisoning.

Can my dog drink chicken broth?

When it comes to home remedies that are easy to give your dog, chicken or bone broth is often brought up. Whether you feed your dog a raw diet, a kibble diet, or something else entirely, broth can be a good addition to your dog’s nutrition menu.

The only problem with recommending a broth diet is making sure you understand what types of store-bought broth are appropriate for your dog. The best way to ensure the broth is healthy for your dog is to make it yourself. This is super easy and can be done for chicken broth or some different bone broths.

Can my dog drink alcohol?

Do not under any circumstances give your dog any alcohol thinking it’s funny to see them reeling about. Apart from being irresponsible, dogs cannot cope with the intoxicating effects of any alcoholic drink as they are unable to process it and because of that are susceptible to alcohol poisoning. Even very small amounts can give a dog serious digestive problem and can kill.

Can my dog drink mango juice?

Mango is high in fiber, as well as vitamins A, B6, C, and E, making it quite nutritious for both humans and dogs. The snack is also sweet, so your dog will probably love it.

Can my dog drink Lemonade?

Well, the short answer would be that it is not recommended to give lemonade to your dog. Drinking lemonade would not do anything good for your dog the sugar from lemonade would be rather bad for your dog’s dental health.

There are two reasons why dogs cannot drink lemonade. For one, the citric acid would upset your dog’s stomach. For two, lemonade contains an unhealthy amount of sugar. In the short term, excessive sugar is bad for dogs, because it makes them hyperactive. In the long term, sugar and sugary drinks like lemonade can cause tooth decay in dogs.

Can my dog drink squash?

Even though there isn’t any real reason to make you want to feed your canine any squash, as the bulk of their diet should be focused on nutritious dog food, but YES, you can safely feed your dog squash without it being harmful, toxic, or poisonous to them!

Many pet owners like to feed their animals vegetables [1] from time to time in a diversified diet, and there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as you slowly introduce squash into your dog’s diet over time and gradually build up to it, it’s done in moderation and remains a rare occurrence in their diet.

Since many pet owners often try to experiment on this alone and end up coming up with a mix that includes all the ingredients, seasonings and toppings that should never be fed to canines (especially a whole bunch of salt and sugar), the best way to get your juices flowing is by showing you a template dog treat recipe based on squash that you could follow and play around with.

What can my dog drink besides water?

Water is the best drink you can give your dog. All dogs need constant access to clean, fresh and preferably cool water. For your dog, drinking water is the best way to keep them hydrated and healthy — no other possible drinks come close.

This is especially true during the summer when it gets hotter and stays that way for long, as drinking water helps your dog cool down. If you’re going for long car journeys or days out enjoying the summer sun, we recommend you have sufficient drinking water for your dog with you and some sort of travel bowl so they can have a drink when they need it.

Can my dog drink wine?

No. You may know a dog owner who gives her pets a few laps of “relaxation wine” without any negative effects, but it is safer to keep alcohol away from dogs. Dogs’ livers are not properly equipped to process alcohol. Just like humans, dogs can experience alcohol poisoning, and their smaller size makes them even more susceptible. If your dog has more than a few sips of wine, have your vet’s number ready. Your pet may need IV treatment, rehydration measures, and close monitoring.

Dog Hydration

Approximately sixty percent of your dog’s body is water! That is six pounds of liquid for every 10 pounds of dog! Even though dogs do not “sweat” as we do, dehydration can be a serious problem. It is your responsibility to make sure your dog is drinking enough!

Dogs are most susceptible to dehydration in the summer Sometimes they just so busy they “forget” to drink! From time to time they may get too overheated and do not want water. CAUTION! They could be on their way to heat exhaustion!

Diarrhea, liver, and kidney diseases are also reasons for dehydration.

Make it a habit especially in the summer, to have SEVERAL water bowls or buckets, filled with clean, cool water, located where your dog will most likely need them and use them. Encourage “time out” when playing or exercising, for a drink In the summer, get into the habit of carrying water with you, when walking or hiking a bottle for you, and a bottle for your pal.

Signs to watch for of dehydration:

  • Fever in severe cases
  • Lethargic
  • Disoriented
  • Lack of appetite
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Lifting the skin on your dog’s head. If your dog is hydrated enough, the skin will have
    elasticity and immediately spring back. If it does not, your dog could be dehydrated.

How will, I know if my dog is Dehydrated?

  1. Lift your dog’s upper lip. The gums over the teeth should be pink Press the flat part of your index finger on that part of their gum. The pressure will turn the spot white. If it turns pink in 2 seconds, he or she is not in danger.
  2. If it takes 3 to 4 seconds, your dog needs to be seen by your vet immediately. The veterinarian will most likely recommend rehydrating your pet with IV fluids.

For moderate rehydration, as long as your dog is not vomiting, you can try:

  1. Encourage him to drink water — you may need a needless syringe or turkey baster
  2. Slip ice chips into his or her mouth
  3. Flavor their water with no-fat, no-salt chicken, or beef broth
  4. Soak a clean towel in water, and squeeze the liquid into their mouth
  5. A 50/50 mix of Gatorade, Powerade or Pedialyte to their water
  6. Freeze a combination of 50/50 water and Gatorade, Powerade or Pedialyte, in an ice cube tray -place a treat so it sticks out a bit. Let your dog lick or chew the ice cube to get the treat.
  7. If your dog is not diabetic, try a Popsicle
  8. Add water to their food, especially in the summer
  9. Get them out of the sun!
  10. Cool them off by gently spraying them with water and/or bring them inside for the air conditioning. Simply cooling them off may stimulate them to drink

For severe dehydration, do not waste time. Get them to your veterinarian immediately!

Bottom Line: Management is key for keeping your dog properly hydrated. Make sure there are plenty of water bowls, they are accessible and full of clean, cool water. Take the time, to watch to make sure they are drinking enough. Do not rush them!

NOTE: There are dog owners who feel because the dog is poolside, they will drink out of the pool. Therefore, they do not need a water bowl out there. This way of thinking does not always work… and it could be tragic.

  1. Some dogs will not drink pool water because of the chlorine content.
  2. If you have a salt-water pool, it could be hazardous to their health!
  3. Dogs have fallen into the pool and drowned, simply because they were thirsty!

Vomiting in dogs

Vomiting can be a sign of a serious problem with your dog. Learn what to do when your pet gets sick. Always watch for signs of dehydration and know when to take your dog to the veterinarian.

Vomiting can be a sign of something much more serious than a simple illness in your pet. Right away you will need to remove any food and water that is available to your dog. This includes restricting access to toilets, pools, spas, etc. This is the first thing you will want to do, as any food or water at this point will just cause further problems for your pet and add more time to the recovery process.


After vomiting, you will want to assess your dog’s general attitude and condition. If it is down, lethargic, and has an overall depressed disposition keep a good eye on it. Check your dog again in about 30 minutes and take it to the vet immediately if it still has not improved.


Dogs can become dehydrated rapidly when vomiting occurs. This is especially dangerous in young puppies. Dehydration usually requires your dog to see a veterinarian, though the cause and severity may vary from case to case.

Medicine is usually required for a full and swift recovery but isn’t always necessary. In severe cases, your dog will also be given electrolytes intravenously.

This is a fluid mixture containing important salts and minerals which are essential to rehydrating your dog. In the most extreme situations, your dog could even be hospitalized for weeks at a time while tests are undergone, and your dog’s organs are closely monitored for potential damage.

Back To Your Assessment

Aside from vomiting, if your dog is behaving normally you should still remove its food for around 15 hours. Water is allowed in small quantities (maximum of a half cup per hour), slowly increasing to a full cup over several hours. If your dog continues vomiting, immediately stop giving it water and make sure all water sources are out of its reach. You can also purchase electrolytes at your local pet store to help rehydrate your dog.

When To Feed Your Dog Again

You can start feeding your dog again in about 15 hours if it hasn’t vomited for that entire time. You should start by only feeding the dog one cup of food at a time (or the equivalent portion drop for puppies and small breeds). Stick to only feeding your dog bland food for now. I can’t stress this enough. Keep the food simple for a week and your dog will thank you.

Can a dog drink coconut water?

Coconut milk and water: Some people swear by topical coconut oil to help with skin issues like itchiness and hot spots. But when it comes to drinking coconut milk or coconut water, the experts are divided. The AKC says both are safe for dogs; just make sure to keep your pet away from the coconut shell, which is rough and can become lodged in his throat.

The ASPCA, however, says the liquids are OK only in small amounts. Give your pet too much coconut flesh or milk and you may end up dealing with loose stools, diarrhea or stomach upset. And they recommend avoiding coconut water because it is high in potassium, which can cause health issues. You may want to ask your vet to weigh in on this one.

Can dog drink Ribena?

Ribena is one of the dangerous drinks that can harm your dog. However, if your dog is still a small dog or has not reached adolescence, it should be fine if mistakenly taste a little, unless it is getting to an old dog.

But if your dog by mistake drink Ribena and started showing weird symptoms, send it to the vet to check it out immediately. Always make sure not to feed your dog Ribena

again. Grapes, raisins, and some berries contain a small amount of an unknown toxin that can damage the kidney over a long period of time.

Homemade dog drink

Making your own pet drinks can certainly be a loving and caring way to guarantee that your pet gets the healthy nutrition it deserves and without the risk of unknown contaminants. But, do your cost/benefit research first as to ensure a situation that you are comfortable with including dollars, time, and balanced nutrition. Carefully weigh the advantages and disadvantages for both you and your pet before deciding on this trendy alternative.

Do not just think that you can feed your pet table scraps and assume it to be a viable nutritional alternative. It is not! Pets have special needs just as we do, so it is best to do your own research and consult your vet for advice.

There are many online resources, and even pet drinks books to help make things a lot easier. But, in the meantime, do not just feed them what you are drinking

At the very least, they will not be getting the nutrition they need, and the things you are giving them could make them sick or even kill them.

Here is a short list of foods that can be toxic for animals and should always be avoided, even in small quantities:

  1. Chocolate,
  2. Mushrooms,
  3. Macadamia nuts,
  4. Onions,
  5. Garlic,
  6. Leeks,
  7. Chives,
  8. Grapes,
  9. Raisins,
  10. Potato peelings,
  11. Tomatoes (cats) and
  12. Drinks containing caffeine or alcohol.

The list for your particular pet may include other dangerous or sickening foods, so think before you toss.